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StarDrone is an award-winning furiously energetic action-puzzle with a mix of arcade, pinball, breakout, and collect-the-objects. You pilot the always-in-motion space drone through diverse cosmic environments in order to beat each of all levels’ goals. Goals can range from getting to the end of the level, to destroying all enemies, to collecting puzzle pieces.

Cause your attackers to crash with rapid speed while collecting starts, gems, and power-up enhancements. Overcome perilous hazards and elude zillions of enemies in an effort to complete each stage with a record score. With simple gesture controls and unique, intuitive gameplay mechanics, StarDrone is friendly to beginners, at the same time challenging enough to bring you back for more and more.

StarDrone was an IndieCade 2011 Finalist and VR version is an IMGA 2017 nominee.
Currently released on Steam VR, PlayStation VR, PS Vita, PS3, Xiaomi Go, Pico Goblin, GearVR and Rift.

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